Sheffield Hallam Chemistry Society

Revitalised in early 2023, the relatively new ChemSoc quickly became a thriving community of those interested in the chemical sciences at Hallam, and has bounced from strength to strength ever since. The society aims to maximise the opportunities it can offer to its members in order to help them get the most out of their time at university (from both a social and academic perspective), and leave with connections that set them up for the future.

Well established within the Yorkshire chemistry scene, we engage regularly with the Royal Society of Chemistry’s local section group (on which several of our committee sit as members) and the University of Sheffield’s Chemistry Society. These connections allow our members to participate in Chemistry-themed events they wouldn’t normally have the chance to, including research symposia, guest lectures and regular socials & the end-of-year ball.


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Members typically study
The facts
We hold a 100% unbeaten record against our (friendly) rivals BioSoc in the department ‘Taskmaster’ events!
The 2024 end-of-year ball was attended by 160 people, the highest number yet.
Our committee have led ski trips, become masters at board games, gone to drag nights and performed at stand-up comedy events this year!
Following our curry lecture and freshers’ welcome events, we were given the ‘Best Academic Society’ award in autumn 2023.

Being aware that the typical Chemistry cohorts at Hallam are smaller than at other universities, and consist of more students from disadvantaged backgrounds, the committee is focused on putting equality and opportunity for all at the heart of its agenda. Committee members hold similar posts in other societies, including LGBTQ+ and sport societies, and the society regularly engages with disabled students’ representatives and other minoritised groups. This has helped us create a welcoming and representative society, which allows our members to thrive inside and outside of their courses!

Projects, events, trips and socials

Chemistry of Curry Guest Lecture

Attended by over 100 people, this event was the largest chemistry-department extra-curricular event run in recent years.

We were joined by Professor Nazira Karodia from Edinburgh Napier University, who delivered a fascinating talk on why different spices have the impact they do – whilst demonstrating this on some unsuspecting (but quite spice-tolerant) volunteers!

Audience members then got the chance to socialise and network over some spicy refreshments.


A pinnacle of the department rivalry between the Biosciences and Chemistry societies, this event brings together members from both who are eager to secure the Taskmaster title.

Members compete in novel, fun events, which include everything from physical challenges, speedy thinking tests and reciting the periodic table!

Pictured is the Tabasco Challenge, which as the name suggests, isn’t for the faint-hearted! ChemSoc’s wins in 2023 and 2024 mean we are in a confident position, but who knows what next year brings…

Christmas Social

After the long graft that is semester one, this year’s committee headed to laser quest for a (very intense and competitive) social.

The start of 2024 has also seen members demonstrate their skills at bowling, ice skating and a chemistry-themed pub quiz, and the social calendar isn’t slowing down anytime soon. Lab coat night out anyone?

End-of-Year Ball

Undoubtedly the highlight of the year, where students from all courses and years of study come together within the department to celebrate. Whether it’s the end of a fantastic first year or you’ve just graduated with a PhD, it’s a night to remember for everybody. 2023 and 2024 have seen this event set in the stunning grounds of Kenwood Hall Hotel, just outside Sheffield City Centre.

Students’ Union Awards Ball

Chemistry were nominated for no less than 5 awards at the SU Awards in Spring 2024!

This was an amazing achievement, especially when considering the relatively new nature of the society, and the small team leading the committee this year!

24/25 Committee List
  • Equality and Diversity Officer - Celine Batbaatar
  • Events Officer - Edward Haxby
  • Health and Safety Officer - Hannah Marson
  • President - Alex Tower
  • Secretary - Kara Rudley
  • Social Media Officer - Amber Gilbert
  • Treasurer - Edward Haxby
  • Vice President - Amber Gilbert
How to Join

If you want to find out more about our Society, please email us at

Or follow us on Instagram.

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